Saturday, June 20, 2015

#SmellyToSmiley -- The Ambi Pur magic !

Bad Odour spoils everyone’s mood; be it your clothes, shoes, garbage, food but think about the situation when your home itself starts smelling bad - difficult isn’t it ? This happens to each one of us, especially during rains. Due to high humidity level, everything in the home absorbs moisture and starts smelling bad. No matter how much you try to keep things clean and dry, even the fresh clothes and bed sheets have that peculiar irritating smell which you cannot withstand.

We face all sorts of smell in our home and the same increases during rains. Especially in India where it rains for close to 4 months, things become even more difficult. During rains, we face bad smell everywhere, clothes, bed sheets, shoes cases, cupboards, bathroom and even our car becomes smelly. But of all the foul smell, smelly bed sheets, pillows etc and smelly car is the biggest problem to kill. Ambi Pur fragrance comes to rescue here. Ambi Pur Air Effects versus Regular Aerosols does not just help by covering the odours it helps remove them completely! I an sharing a few examples below:

After a tiring day at work, we want to just relax and sleep peacefully but the smelly linen makes life difficult. Even the fresh linen smells and we do not know what to do. We have tried doing everything from regularly replacing the linen to lighting aroma candles, using regular aerosols but given the humidity nothing works for more than couple of hours. Due to inadequate sleep, we feel like zombies not able to focus on anything, neither at work nor at home.

We love rains and Monsoon is the best season to go on weekend trips. The rain, getting drenched, long drive, the hot chai makes everything very special; however there is something which is always there to spoil your mood is your car. No matter how much and whatever we try, the stinking smell of our car never ceases to go, the worst spoilsport for a perfect trip! We have tried everything from different flavors of car fresheners, keeping the windows open but the impact is only temporary. Moreover some of the car fresheners are so strong that its smell irritates us more than the foul smell of our car.

Then we came across Ambi Pur and we were just WOW! The best air freshener we have ever used. It does not just last long but removes the bad smell all together. The fragrance is not very loud to leave its mark in place of the foul smell which sometimes becomes an irritant in itself. And the best part is Ambi Pur takes care of all our requirements, be it rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, car and we do not have to keep searching specific fresheners for our specific requirements.

I am blogging for #SmellyToSmiley activity at in association with Ambi Pur

Love You, Papa !

Dad – I want this, I want that and the list goes on. We simply move on, as and when, our wish-list gets fulfilled. Well, some of us do thank our dad - But, is that all? Many times we feel, it is his responsibility to fulfil our needs and hence, do not appreciate the love and sacrifices made by our Father as we grow up!

Sitting back and remembering those days, make me introspect whether I have done my bit to thank my dad enough? -  For everything he has done, so that I get whatever I wanted and be successful in my life.

·         Very early on, my dad bore the brunt of my teacher in place of me when I did not do well in studies, but he only encouraged me and educated me the benefits of working hard
·         He hugged me, became my story teller and made me sleep when I did not keep well
·         He taught me to ride my first bicycle so that I can enjoy the wind behind me
·         He gave me extra pocket money so that I can party with my friends
·         He fulfilled all my wishes so that I was not sad and would always remain happy.
·         He guided me through my studies, my career decisions without ever imposing his thoughts
·         He also told me to enjoy life as it comes and do what I feel is right

Well … I think he grew with me, changed himself again and again so that he can keep pace with me to understand me and my needs, sacrificing his personal desires along the way.

My dad was happier than me when I got my first job, a feeling of achievement as he has lived his dreams through me.

We always make the mistake of thinking that as our parents grow old, we will start taking care of them and the role will reverse but alas, it still continues the same way. We need their emotional support, their guidance more than they need ours.

Dad used to hug me when I was small so that I feel secure in his arms. As I grew up, he continued hugging me so as to assure me that he is my friend and I can share all my issues with him.  Now, I feel it is time that I need to tightly hug my dad and say thank you for being my guide, my friend, my advisor.

This father’s day, I am expressing my love towards my dad by participating in the #HugYourDad activity at BlogAdda in association with Vicks.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder - But: How about a radiany skin ?

It is well said that ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ and beauty is something that comes from within. However, when it comes to a healthy radiant skin – it becomes a sensitive topic for all of us.
With the stressful and fast spaced life in today’s world, it’s not easy to sustain a healthy radiant skin. However, there is something called ‘Old is Gold’. India has a great and rich history in almost everything and so is true for skin beauty. Ayurveda has been one of the oldest but still the best to maintain young glowing skin.

Few of the Ayurvedic remedies that I have been using since childhood and those are as follows:

Dahi-Besan: Well this is a home remedy and works wonders on any type of skin. All you need to do is, take a cup of curd, two tablespoons of besan and one teaspoon of turmeric. Mix them well till it forms a smooth base. And now gently apply it to your skin, let the paste be on the skin for five minutes and then wash off. This can be done as a weekly activity and gives wonderful results in three to four weeks !

Neem: I was one of those females who have suffered with acne problems during my teens. The best and super solution to this problem was found in Ayurved and it was Neem. All you need to do is take few Neem leaves, crush the leaves into a paste and apply to your face, keep the paste for ten to fiftenn minutes and then wash off. Results can be seen in as less as two days. For acne problems in the bosy skin, its good to boil Neem leaves and mix it with your bathing water.

Chandan: Chandan is one of the auspicious wood in our Indian culture. However, apart from the auspicious good, chandan also works wonders on skin. Chandan makes your skin glow and radiate. It is also gets you a scar free skin. To use chandan, you may buy a small chandan wood which is easily available in the market, rub the chandan wood in some water and turn it into a paste, apply on your skin, let it dry and then wash off with water for awesome freshness.One beauty product that contains chandan is VICCO Turmeric Cream

Milk: Milk-bath is something we have always heard as the utmost skin pampering act. In Ayurveda, milk is the best for getting a fairer skin. You can apply milk direct, use bread to scrub the skin with milk and some people use flour and mix it will the milk and then rub against their skin.

Well, the above are just a glimpse of the ultimate beauty skin solutions that we have in Ayurveda. Hope you will try some of the above and enjoy a beautiful, glowing radiant skin.

@Vicco_labs , #ComeCloser, VICCO Turmeric Cream